Reaching the world as ambassadors for Christ one ministry at a time.
Worship Ministry
We strive to bring our best praises to the Lord as we come together in one mind and one accord. Our praise team comes together and sings before every service on Sunday and Wednesday. AMFM is also working on original pieces that the Lord has given us.
“O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.” Psalms 95:1-2

Children’s Ministry
Our children’s church ministry are the ages of four to eight years old which are taught by Sister Amy Holland and Sister Chris McLeod. Our teachers are equipped to teach the word to your kids, so they can start to have a stable foundation with the word. We want to make the kids feel welcomed as soon as they walk in the classroom.

Our tween class is taught by Minister Beth Campbell. Our teen classes are taught by Minister Chris Crumley. Classes are offered for Sunday School and Wednesday night. We are still wanting to create that foundation in the word, but we want our older kids to be able to go deeper and have a bigger perception about the Lord.

Outreach Ministry
AMFM biggest contributors from the beginning was outreach and jail ministry. Pastor Buck and Sister Brandy help train volunteers to go out to tell the world about Jesus whether that is from door to door, our annual hotdog what a prayer, or in our every day lives.
Hotdog what a prayer is a annual or sometimes held a few times a year. It is an opportunity for us to go into the community to give free food like a hotdog, chips, drinks, give out bibles, and have prayer for anybody in need. We have had successful turns out when we have them in locations in Valdosta, Lake Park, ad Brooks county.

Our nursery is offered on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights after praise and worship for ages newborn to three years old. This gives parents the opportunity to sit and be attentive in the sanctuary during service while the kids are taken care of in the back.

Food Ministry
AMFM has a fair share of events that involve food and fellowship. Every first and third Wednesday of the month, we eat and have good fellowship after service.
Humble Ways is the organization that provides food for the Wednesday service, Wonderful Wednesday. Humble Ways is the ministry of Brother Mike McMinn and Sister Beth McMinn. They offer a hot, fresh home cooked meal for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Humble Ways offer food to anyone that may be in need of food or personal care items.
Meals Ministry is a ministry inside AMFM that helps families that have had a baby, surgery, or a death in the family. Meal ministry feeds families for 2-3 days after these events happen to take the load off of family members.